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First Visit

When you arrive at the office for the first time, there is some intake paperwork we need you to fill out. It is our way of collecting the basic information needed to create your chart. Once finished you will be led back to one of our examination rooms. These rooms are private, so that you may discuss your condition with the doctor without being overheard by anyone else present at the clinic.

You will have a consultation with the doctor to discuss the reason for you visit. The doctor will ask you some questions about your specific problem to make sure chiropractic treatment will help you with your specific condition.

Once the doctor has determined that your specific problem is treatable with chiropractic care, he will do a thorough examination, x-rays (if needed), and you will receive treatment for your condition.

Prior to leaving, you will be given specific instructions on home care, possibly including stretching exercises. If a follow up appointment is needed, it will be scheduled at the end of the visit.